Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sacrificing your whole life for the sake of the 'outer world goals' is not the way to live.

Sacrificing your whole life for the sake of the 'outer world goals' is not the way to live. The one and only achievement that a man could do is working towards ENLIGHTENMENT. (Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

O, humanity, you are always habituated to throw stones when masters come

"O, humanity, you are always habituated to throw stones when masters come, and when they leave, worship them in stones. Now, don't make that same mistake" Be there in Kumbh Mela!Paramahamsa Nithyananda

All yogic powers are expressed from Third Eye only.

“All yogic powers are expressed from Third Eye only. Whether it is the power of materializing, teleporting or the power of intuition or the power of making your dreams into reality – everything is from the third eye.”

~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Respect food, Don't Waste It! OVER EATING is a modern disease

Respect food, Don't Waste It! OVER EATING is a modern disease. People think that it is better to eat more vegetarian food. Let us be clear here. Over eating any food is bad. Be it vegetarian or meat.

Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda

The mind is trained from a very young age to think that life moves from one worry to the other or from one pain to another.

The mind is trained from a very young age to think that life moves from one worry to the other or from one pain to another, never from one joy to another. If you feel there is something wrong with what you are seeing, then you should look back in at yourself because what you see outside is only a reflection of what is inside you.

Swami Nithyananda

Simply perform every task with your Being

; it becomes a meditation.

Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda

The spiritual man who argues that God is there and the atheist who argues that God is not there are both fools.

God is not research material. He is something to be felt or experienced inside you. He is not to be spoken or argued about. Questions like 'Where is he?', 'Why hasn’t he appeared?', 'Has he gone on long leave?' are all unnecessary. By discussing it this way, you cannot realise God. If you believe in God, just focus on how to improve the quality of your life with that faith; that will do.

Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda